Brittany: Birth in God’s Joy
Birth In God's Presence - A podcast by Kierra Blaser

“Joy” was the word the Lord gave Brittany as she prayed about her upcoming birth, and He truly delivered on His word. Her labor was filled with His joy, laughter, community, and fun surprises. She truly experienced the gift that God created childbirth to be and I pray that her story gets your heart excited for your own beautiful birth with God! You can connect with Brittany on her blog at or you can email her at [email protected] Here are the resources she talked about: Her blog where you can read about her healing miracle and finding out she was pregnant! Supernatural Childbirth Prayers and Promises for Supernatural Childbirth My Online Kingdom Childbirth Class And here is our new Break Free from Worry Course! Find life-changing freedom from worry, anxiety, and fear so that you can ENJOY this journey of motherhood and the GIFT God created it to be! I pray that these resources and Brittany’s story encourage you deeply today! Much love, Kierra