#403 VBAC or Cesarean, An Honest Assessment of Risk & Benefit.

Birthing Instincts - A podcast by Dr. Stuart Fischbein + Midwife Blyss Young - Wednesdays


In this episode of the Birthing Instincts Podcast, Blyss and Dr. Stu explore the risks and benefits of cesarean sections (C-sections) and vaginal births after cesareans (VBACs). They discuss the pros and cons of home births versus hospital births. In a hospital setting, expectant parents benefit from a large, skilled medical team, while home births offer more control over the birthing experience and additional time for bonding with the baby.It's crucial to consider the entire pregnancy when making this decision. When opting for a home birth, having assistance from a certified nurse-midwife or access to an obstetrician is essential, as home births carry their own risks. Planning ahead is vital in this scenario. Educating oneself is equally important to ensure the best choices are made for both the mother and the baby. Tune in to learn more!In this episodeRisks and benefits of VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) and C-sections;The probabilities of some of those risks after previous C-sections;Why people are choosing home births;How to choose between home births and hospital births.Episode resourceshttps://www.ajog.org/article/S0002-9378Desiree’s Episode #274This show is supported byWeNatal | Go to WeNatal.com/Birthinginstincts for a free magnesium with any subscription order. BIRTHFIT | Go to birthfit.com and use the code INSTINCTS for 20% off any fitness program.Pique Life | 20% OFF for life plus a free Starter Kit (including a rechargeable frother and glass beaker) when you grab the Pu’er Bundle today. Go to piquelife.com/birthingMama Meals | Go to mama-meals.com code BIRTHINGINSTINCTS for $10 off a small box or $20 off any other box. Go to mamamealspantry.com and use code BIRTHINGINSTINCTS for 10% off pantry items.Connect with Dr. Stu and BlyssJoin our Patreon! patreon.com/birthinginstinctspodcastInstagram: @birthinginstincts/@birthingblyssWebsite: birthinginstincts.com/birthingblyss.comEmail: [email protected] line: 805-399-0439Podcast webpage: birthinginstinctspodcast.com