Full Moon in Sagittarius Horoscope June 2023
Blame It On the Stars - A podcast by Jade & Kara - Mondays
In this episode, we dive into the astrology of the Full Moon in Sagittarius, which is set to occur at 13º Sagittarius on June 3rd at 11:41 pm EST. This full moon highlights the theme of letting go of old philosophies and ideals that no longer serve us, and embracing new perspectives. We explore how this full moon affects us on a spiritual level, and how it can bring a heightened sense of optimism and a desire to seek out new experiences. However, we also discuss the harsh aspects associated with this full moon, including Sun sextile Mars and square Saturn, and Moon trine Mars and square Saturn. Whether you're a seasoned astrologer or just starting out, this episode is sure to provide insights and guidance on how to navigate the Full Moon in Sagittarius and harness its transformative power. Tune in to discover something you didn't know about this celestial event and how it can impact your life. SUBSCRIBE FOR AD-FREE LISTENING: ✩https://anchor.fm/blameitonthestars/subscribe BOOK ASTROLOGY READINGS: ✩Jade: intro.co/jadesaturno WEBSITE: ✩ blameitonthestars.co FOLLOW US: ✩ www.instagram.com/blmethestars ✩ www.tiktok.com/@blmethestars ✩ www.youtube.com/@blmethestars ANSWERING YOUR QUESTIONS ON VENUS RETURNS, 5TH HOUSE AND 7TH HOUSE VENUS TRANSITS ✩ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnmWMD6mkmg&t=53s Sending you good vibes!