Current Groupthink of the Crypto Faithful

Bloomberg Crypto - A podcast by iHeartPodcasts and Bloomberg

Financial markets can be subject to a fair amount of groupthink. The herd effect. Mob mentality, even. There’s actually some really interesting research into this: check out for example the paper, “Bubbles, Human Judgment, and Expert Opinion” by Robert J. Shiller.  Here's additional research into herd effect: Herding behaviour in digital currency markets: An integrated survey and empirical estimation.]Crypto investors are no exception: and their in-group behavior also features a lot of catchphrases. Like the famous “GM”, and the infamous "have fun staying poor." Or the tongue-in-check “Bitcoin will fix this”, where “this” is basically any social or economic issue you can imagine. In this episode Bloomberg senior markets editor Mike Regan and crypto blogger Emily Nicolle assess the mood among the crypto faithful - and explain why some of them are now evangelizing cold wallets. See for privacy information.