Clinton on Israelis and Palestinians, SAG-AFTRA Strike Over, Ivanka Trump in Court

Bloomberg Daybreak: US Edition - A podcast by Bloomberg


On today's podcast: 1) Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said both Israel and the Palestinians need new leadership in order to have a chance of achieving a peace deal once the current war in the Gaza Strip ends. 2) The five Republicans scrapping to fashion themselves as the alternative to Donald Trump opened their debate Wednesday night blaming the former president for the party’s latest election embarrassment — then spent the next 90 minutes doing little to distinguish themselves from the GOP frontrunner. 3) Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump testified she had no role in preparing his allegedly inflated financial statements and wasn’t aware that he was claiming a net worth of more than $4 billion as she was trying to get a Trump Organization loan for the Doral golf club in Florida in 2011 3) Missed your favorite actors? After nearly four months of striking, they're coming back. Wednesday's deal between striking actors and studios and streaming services won't immediately restore filming to its full swing. That will take months. 5) Walt Disney, embroiled in another fight with activist investor Nelson Peltz, posted fourth-quarter profit that beat analysts’ expectations and said it will cut an additional $2 billion in expenses. Disney stock jumps.  Full Transcript: Good morning, I'm Nathan Hager and I'm Karen Moscow. Here are the stories we're following today. We begin with the latest developments in the war in the Middle East. The Pentagon says the US IS carried out an airstrike on a weapons warehouse in eastern Syria. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin says the self defense strike was in retaliation for attacks on American forces in Iraq and Syria. Meanwhile, Israel says some fifty thousand more Palestinians have fled to southern Gaza as Israel's army pushes deeper in to Hamas strongholds in the north of the territory. All this as, Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says, both Israel and the Palestinians need new leadership. So I think you have to create the environment in which there is a chance to revitalize the peace process and a potential for a two state solution. Hamas is not interested in a two state solution. They are dedicated to the destruction of Israel. That is in their charter. If you've been watching lots of different outlets over the last month, that is what the leaders of Hamas say, you know they want to destroy Israel. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton added that while Israel's unlikely to agree to a ceasefire that would benefit Hamas, it probably will accept pauses to allow aid to reach civilians in Gaza. Clinton made the comments in an interview with Bloomberg's editor in chief John Micklethwaite at the Bloomberg New Economy Forum in Singapore. Well Nathan. The war in the Middle East was a major topic at last night's Republican presidential debate in Miami. The five candidates on the NBC stage were united in support of Israel, including Florida Governor Ronda Santis. I would be telling BB finish the job once and for all with these butchers. Come on, they're proris, their massacring innocent people. But there were devides over a to Ukraine and how to approach China. Of ak Ramaswami and Nikki Haley had a sharp exchange over banning TikTok in the last debate. She made fun of me for actually joining TikTok while her own daughter was actually using the app for a long time. So you might want to take care of your family first. Read my appreciation daughter man. Nikki Haley and the other candidates also went after front runner Donald Trump for skipping the debate. Jeanie she and Zano is a politics contributor for Bloomberg. She said he was a good president for the time, but he is not the right president for now. And then she pointed to the fact that he created eight trillion dollars in debt, he's wrong on Ukraine now, and the fact that we can't live in the past. Genie she Andzano notes the former president held a rally ten miles away rather than appearing on the debate stage. Meanwhile, Nathan House Republicans have issued subpoenas to members of President Biden's family. The move to subpoena the president's son Hunter and brother James comes as Republicans look to gain ground in their nearly year long investigation. So far, they have failed to uncover evidence directly implicating the President in any wrongdoing. Now to the latest developments caring in the New York Front trial of Donald Trump, his daughter Ivanka's day on the witness stand was filled with denials of any knowledge of her family's net worth calculations. Sloomberg's Ed Baxter has the story. She says she didn't know that her dad was claiming and that worth of more than four billion dollars as she tried to get a loan for the Durreal Golf Club in Florida. She flatly says she's not involved in his personal financial statements. Attorney General Letitia James says, not true. Ivanka Trump secured negotiated loans to obtain favorable terms based on fraudulent statements of financial condition, and she says the Trumps cannot hide from the truth. The Attorney General has wrested Ad Baxter. Bloomberg Radio all right ed, thanks well. From New York to Hollywood. The actors' union has reached a deal with studios to end its strike. Can we get the latest from Bloomberg's Doun Prisner. The vote by the union's Theatrical Committee was unanimous. Common ground was found on issues ranging from the use of artificial intelligence to payment from streaming services, and now, after four months, the strike by some one hundred and sixty thousand actors is over. The previously striking screenwriters have been back on the job for more than a month, so now production of scripted TV shows and movies can resume. And like the writers, the Actors' Union benefited from direct involvement in the talks by some of the most powerful people in Hollywood in New York. I'm Doug Prisner, Bloomberg Radio. All right, Doug, thanks now. Some of those most powerful people included Bob Eiger, and the settlement comes the same day Eigers Walt Disney Company posted fourth quarter profit that beat analyst estimates. Disney also says it'll cut an additional two billion dollars in expenses. Bob Iger says his company will also launch a beta trial bundle of Disney Plus and Hulu next month. We expected Hulu on Disney Plus will result in increased engagement, greater advertising opportunities, lower churn, and reduced customer acquisition cost, thereby increasing our overall margins. Man Right now, shares of Bob Bigers Walt Disney Company are higher by four percent in early trading. Well Nathan, Another CEO, is making news this morning. Bank of America's Brian moynihan said his company has a succession plan in place and that nothing is left a chance in deciding on his eventual replacement. Moynahan, who made the remarks at the Reuters Next conference, took the helm in twenty ten in the wake of the global financial crisis. And there's another bank in the spotlight this morning, Karen. That would be Morgan Stanley. Its wealth management business is under Federal Reserve scrutiny, sources say the New York based banks top regulators pressing whether the firm is taking adequate measures to prevent potential money laundering by wealthy clients outside the US. Representatives for the FED and Morgan Stanley declined to comment. And it's time now for a look at some of the other stories making news around the world. For that, we're joined by Bloomberg's John Tucker, John Good morning, Hey, Good morning Karen. Former President Donald Trump did skip the third uop to at in Miami, instead holding a campaign rally about ten miles away in Heyaliah twenty twenty four is our final battle. Stand with me in the fight. We will finish the job that we started so brilliantly seven years ago. We never had a country like we had just three years ago. Meantime, at judge in Michigan expected to hear arguments today whether the Secretary of State there has the authority to keep Donald Trump's name off state ballots for president. Various groups have filed similar lawsuits in other states, portraying Trump as the insider of the January sixth Capitol riot. They point to part of the Constitution the prohibits a person from running for federal office if they've engaged in insurrection or rebellion. Industry regulators say power grades that supply more than half of the US population may run short of electricity during an extended cold snap or severe storm over the coming winter. That story in this report from Bloomberg's Charlie Pellett. The North American Electric Reliability Corps as regional system operators in a vast swath of the country, stretching from Texas to New England, are at risk of insufficient electricity supplies during peak winter conditions. The report came in a winter reliability assessment which also showed Quebec and Saskatchewan facing the threat of power shortfalls. The outlook is even more dire than last year's report, which set a quarter of Americans were at risk of cold weather power emergencies in New York Charlie Pellett Bloomberg Radio, the population of the US climbed to about three hundred seventy million and twenty eighty before reversing course starting to fall before the turn of the century. This according to News Census Bureau projections and the bureau's most likely scenario, the number of people sixty five or older, we'll overtake the number under eighteen in just six years. Add A nineteen thirty two painting by Pablo Picasso, fem A la Montre, sold for one hundred and thirty nine point three million dollars last night at Sotheby's in New York. At a stroke, it becomes the second most expensive piece by the artist to santl at auction. Global News twenty four hours a day and whenever you want it with Bloomberg News Now. I'm John Tucker and this is Bloomberg Karen. All right, John, thank you well. We do bring you news throughout the day right here on Bloomberg Radio. But now, as John said, you can get the latest news on demand whenever you want it. Subscribe to Bloomberg News Now to get the latest headlines at the click of a button. Get informed on your schedule. You can listen and subscribe to Bloomberg News Now on the Bloomberg Business app, Bloomberg dut Plus, Apples, Spotify, and anywhere else you get your podcasts. Four off time now for the Bloomberg Sports Update with John Stashauer, John Karen. The NBA took Tuesday off to let everyone vote back with a busy night on Wednesday, including showdowns in the East and West. Both games won by home teams by three points. In Philadelphia, the Sixers made it six wins in a row. They beat the Celtics one oh six to one oh three. They lost to Boston to the second round of last year's playoffs, when they blew a three to two series lead. The Sixers had the best record in the East and the Denver Nuggets, defending NBA champs, had the best record in the league eight and one. They beat Golden State one o eight to one oh five. N Koleokus scored thirty five points. Klay Thompson couldn't get a shot off at the buzzer as he tried to tie the game. Victor Wembin Yama's first game in New York it didn't go well. He scored only fourteen points, not only four of fourteen. The Spurs lost to the Knicks one twenty six to one oh five. The Lakers got blown out at U and lost by thirty four Lakers or zero to five on the road. Shay Gilgess Alexander report in forty three points for Oklahoma City in a win over Cleveland. Capitals lost in overtime Florida one four to three. Ron Washington, a seventy one year old baseball lifer, named the new manager of the Los Angeles Angels. He managed the Texas Rangers for eight years, won a couple of tenants there, but he has not managed in the big leagues since twenty fourteen. Not a great NFL game tonight Chicago and Carolina. The Bears will again be quarterbacked by the undrafted rookie Tyson Badge in third straight week as Justin Field's not ready to return from the injured thump. John stash Ellert Bloomberg Sports from coast to coast, from New York to San Francisco, Boston to Washington, DC, nationwide on Syrias Exam the Bloomberg Business Appen Bloomberg dot Com. This is Bloomberg Daybreak. Good morning, I'm Nathan Hager. We want to take you to Singapore now and the Bloomberg New Economy Forum, where world leaders have been weighing in on the economy and geopolitical risks, including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. She sat down with Bloomberg News Editor in chief John Micklethwaite to discuss Israel, Ukraine, China, and the future of the United States. They began with a discussion on President Biden's upcoming meeting with Chinese President She Jinping. Part of the reason it was, you know, somewhat more positive when I was there and we had a very regular set of meetings is because Hu Jintao was a Chinese leader who decided he would not stay for life, he would fulfill his term, he would follow the guidance of the Chinese Communist Party, there would be a transition a new group of leaders. You know, some holdovers, but you know, other new faces would be in power, and so there could be a constant renewing of both the Chinese government and through that the American relationship. Once she Jin Ping decided to stay in office for life, that creates a lot of you know, challenges within their own system, and I think we're seeing some of that. And so part of what I hope will come out of this meeting is an attitude by President Shei that you know, he wants to get back to some kind of regular order, that he sees it in China's interests to really dig in with the President Biden, develop a platform for discussions for problem solving, really sending that signal. I think he will find a receptive partner with President Biden if that's available. Israel and Hamas, I think you are in favor of a humanitarian pause or pauses, but you're against the SIESFA which many people in this region asking for. You know, the numbers of dead arising rapidly ten thousand according to Hamas Italy, but you still got like eighty nine dead at the UN which is a gigantic number for United Nations, the Red Crescent and so on. Can you perhaps explain why you don't want to cease far? There is a difference between a ceasefire which would in effect freeze the situation in Hamas's favor. I negotiated a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in November of twenty twelve, and at that point both parties did not want to go any further. The breaching of a pre existing ceasefire by Hamas with rockets being sent into Israel had not caused a lot of damage, and there also had not been the development of the infrastructure of terror that Hamas has built in Gaza. I don't know any nation represented at the New Economy Forum faced with the kind of assault that Israel was faced with by Hamas that would not be number one defending itself and number two trying to prevent it from happening again, because with every other cease fire it did happen again until finally we got to the breach of a ceasefire which was in existence on October seventh with the terrible attack by Hamas. So a ceasefire, if it were possible which frankly, I don't think is possible. I don't think you know, Israel is interested in a ceasefire at this point, but they are perhaps willing to have what we do call humanitarian pauses for the purpose of both getting aid in to try to assist the civilians in Gaza, but also getting the more than two hundred and forty hostages out. You know, these hostages are not just Israeli. One of the biggest groups of hostages are workers from Thailand who are working on farms in Israel. So there is a global dimension to the hostages that a pause could perhaps inspire some willingness on the part of Hamas to let the hostages go. But a ceasefire that would freeze the situation at this point is not something that is going to, you know, really undermine Hamas's capacity, especially with two hundred miles of tunnels that they have constructed over the last decade, to launch yet another attack on Israel, and that would be intolerable, and I think it would be intolerable for you know, any nation represented at the forum. Well, this seemed to be kind of two big theories going on about this war. One is that this is the end of the peace process, the other, which you've championed. The other is that this is if nothing else, this will prompt finally some move towards the two state solution. Which which which side of that do you fit on? Well? I actually try to fit on both, and I'll tell you, John, I think it's important to have some aspiration, some goal that we can look toward. Many of us, my husband particularly, worked very hard on trying to get a two state solution, and it, frankly, in retrospect, is heartbreaking that Yaser Arafat walked away from the deal that Bill had broker between Israel and the Palestinian authority back in two thousand. There could have been a Palestinian state up to ninety seven percent of the land from the nineteen forty eight division that would have been in existence for twenty three years now. So I think you have to create the environment in which there is a chance to revitalize the peace process and a potential for a two state solution. Hamas is not interested in a two state solution. They are dedicated to the destruction of Israel. That is in their charter. If you've been watching lots of different outlets over the last month. That is what the leaders of Hamas say. You know, they want to destroy Israel. So Hamas is not a partner for any kind of peace or two state solution. But the Palestinian authority might one time again be. New leadership in Gaza might again be So we have to get to a point where that's possible. Do you think that Benuine Nasignol, who is a partner for a two state solution. I don't think there is any evidence of that. I think the Israeli people will have to decide about his leadership. I think there will be investigations about what led up to and what happened on October the seventh. But I think there needs to be new leadership of the Israelis and the Palestinians in order to have any chance at some kind of peace deal, especially a two state solution. There's one area just I lost you once serious one, then that are slightly more amusing one. But on the serious side, you look at things like Ukraine. At the moment, there is definitely a strategy among America's enemies. You could see putin waiting perhaps for Trump, trying to dig in and wait, but also I think also counting on Congress where you feel that Congress feels over extended. It's got the border, it's got spotenningh I'm in Israel. Do you worry about America feeling as if it's over extended and unable to carry out the kind of global policies that you believed in. Well up until now, the Biden administration has done quite a remarkable job. I mean, they put together a coalition to support Ukraine, which I think many people would have thought unlikely when Biden took office. So I do think the legislative agenda that Biden got passed is also another very strong indicator of being able to get things done. I do agree with you that it is going to be challenging in the Congress to get more funding for Ukraine to provide the funding Israel needs to provide the kind of support that is required to keep our alliances strong around the world. But at the end of the day, I think the president will get that. And I also think there's an opportunity for the President because the Republicans in the Senate have said, you know, we're on board with all of this, but we want to make some changes at the border. I think that, you know, the Democrats should negotiate to see what kinds of changes would be palatable for the Democrats in order to secure the border, in order to make it clear that you know, Democrats want a secure border and a humane system for people who are trying to enter the United States, but we want it to be orderly. So I think there's going to be a lot of tough negotiation. At the end, I think the president will get what he needs. One very last things on the Republican side, you will have noticed how much traction Nicky Haley has been getting as a woman who was the American ambassador the UN. Do you think that Biden was to stumble that might be room for another woman with slightly more foreign policy. Well, I don't know the answer to that, but I hope Biden doesn't stumble. I hope that he goes all the way to the finish line because I think he's earned it, he deserves it, and you know, honestly, the only real argument or complaint is that he's old. And you know what, I think everybody who's his age would be very happy if they were as productive as he is and has gotten as much done as he has, and traveled the schedule he's traveled, so you know, I'm going to continue to support him, and I think he's our best candidate for twenty twenty four. And that was former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaking with Bloomberg News Editor in chief John Mikelthwaite. This is Bloomberg day Break Today, your morning brief on the story's making news from Wall Street to Washington and beyond. Look for us on your podcast feed at six am Eastern each morning, on Apple, Spotify, and anywhere else you get your podcasts. You can also listen live each morning starting at five am Wall Street time on Bloomberg eleven three to zero in New York, Bloomberg ninety nine to one in Washington, Bloomberg one oh six to one in Boston, and Bloomberg ninety sixty in San Francisco. Our flagship New York station is also available on your Amazon Alexa devices. Just say Alexa play Bloomberg eleven thirty plus. Listen coast to coast on the Bloomberg Business app, SERIUSXM, the iHeartRadio app, and on Bloomberg dot Com. I'm Nathan Hager and I'm Karen Moscow. Join us again tomorrow morning for all the news you need to start your day right here on Bloomberg DaybreakSee for privacy information.