229. Mike Peters - The Alarm

Blowing Smoke with Twisted Rico - A podcast by Steev Riccardo


Mike Peters is a true rock n roll warrior in every sense of the word. He has not only been making consistently great music as the singer of The Alarm (23 studio albums) as well as other projects (solo etc.) since the early 80's but he has looked death right in the eye while doing so(more than once). His story is one of real inspiration and perseverance. The new Alarm album entitled "Forwards" is one of the most personal records you will hear. Take the track "Whatever" for instance. Here in Mike's words is what the song is about "I think of John Lennon a lot because like many people of my generation, his music is often heard in my house. As a long time survivor of various aspects of things derived from the word beginning with a big C, I have particularly loved his song ‘Whatever Gets You Thru The Night’, and it has helped me on countless occasions when I have been in the hours of need we all get to experience at various times. It came on the hospital radio one day, and I took his idea of getting through one night, and applied to a longer intent as in Whatever Gets You Through Life? When I was in Ward 11 with a drain attached (through my back), into my lung, I had to lie still and on one side for 7 days while 5 litres of blood was extracted from my partially collapsed lungs. To stay sane I started to imagine what a new Alarm record would sound like and what kind of songs I would need to populate the space between the record cover and also get me through this predicament. As soon as I was out of hospital, I set up my recording gear and the songs burst forth from my imagination. It was as if they were writing themselves, and I knew the music had got me through and back a place where I could begin to live again." Music The Charms "So Pretty"theme song" The Alarm "Whatever" Contact: [email protected] This episode of Blowing Smoke with Twisted Rico is supported by Joe's Albums(Worcester/Northampton MA), Baby Loves Tacos(Pittsburgh PA), and Spectacle Eyeware(Boston, MA)