The Dog is Dead

Board Game Snobs - A podcast by Gaby Moraga


Episode 264: This weeks podcast is brought to you by a long day and late night. Gaby had planned on going to Jerry’s early in the day to record but Jerry kept having to delay and so they finally just agreed to zoom late that night and Jerry explains why. But hey, they recorded one despite their obstacles. But they do discuss Core Worlds briefly as well as some games Jerry’s played with his children like Alpha and Flamecraft and Gaby talks briefly about Green Team Wins. Enjoy! Core Worlds (00:38:35) To Join our Facebook Group: Board Game Snobs Facebook Group To join our Discord: To Join Our Patreon: For merch: For questions, comments or general adulation: Send voice memos to [email protected] Special thanks to Ben Maddox for the intro and outro. Check him out for further podcasting goodness at and his fantastic YouTube videos for Dice Tower, "Design Notes" at The Dice Tower's Design Notes with Ben Maddox