Michelle Obama, 2024? Very possibly, yes

Bold and Blunt - A podcast by The Washington Times

Joe Biden is going to have a hard time running for -- never mind winning -- the White House in 2024, given a good portion of Democrats don't even want him as the candidate, according to several recent polls. So that opens the door for the question: Who else? Names are being whispered. Hillary Clinton. Gavin Newsom. Kamala Harris. Or some other Democrat politician yet to be given the go-ahead by party influencers and funders. But one name that has been tossed about for years is Michelle Obama. And just because she constantly says she doesn't want to run -- don't believe it. All politicians like to pretend they're the reluctant leaders. It's a ploy to make it seem as if they are just simple ol' Americans like me and you, and had they their druthers, they'd stay home on the farm. Joel Gilbert has been researching the Obamas for years and he says in his new book, "Michelle Obama 2024," that she's definitely going to announce a run for the presidency.