लक्ष्मी (Lakshmi) - Hindi Stories for Kids - #balbharti
Books That Speak - A podcast by Asawari Doshi

#booksthatspeak #balbharti #Lakshmi #लक्ष्मी #cow #goshala #gurubachansingh #animallove #hindistories #kids #reading #books #std10 #lokbharti It is a beautiful relation between humans and their pets. Even though animals get old, still we should show humanity, compassion, care for them. Thanks to Balbharti for the story. Written by GuruBachan Singh Narrated by Asawari Doshi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/booksthatspeak/ Story's Video: https://youtu.be/YYWqXAXYWxU To receive updates about Online and Offline storytelling events from Books That Speak, join the whatsapp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/BuBaOlkD2UACckOdYk4FDg Listen to the podcast: iTunes : https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/books-that-speak/id1287357479 Watch Videos: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/booksthatspeak Website: http://www.booksthatspeak.com/ Email: [email protected] #booksthatspeak #stories #readaloud #hindistories #indianstories #kids #kidsstories #readbooks #books