English stories for kids - Best Foot Forward - Pratham Books
Books That Speak - A podcast by Asawari Doshi

Written by Rustom Dadachanji. Illustrated by Tanvi Bhat. Published By Pratham Books (https://storyweaver.org.in/publishers/441-pratham-books) . Narrated by Asawari Doshi. Mr. Centipede wears 21 pairs of boots on his morning walk. But with so many legs to choose from, how does he know which foot to use first? Join Mr. Centipede and his garden friends in this story about counting and indecision! Storyweaver link: https://storyweaver.org.in/stories/26371-best-foot-forward Our website: http://www.booksthatspeak.com/ Listen to the podcast: iTunes: http://apple.co/2fVfELtStitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/books-that-speakPlayer.fm: https://player.fm/series/books-that-speak-childrens-stories-in-marathi-hindi-and-gujaratiaudioBoom: https://audioboom.com/channel/books-that-speak Watch Videos: YouTube: http://bit.ly/2x4LIGX Twitter: https://twitter.com/booksthatspeak