English Stories for kids - Piku's Little World - Pratham Books
Books That Speak - A podcast by Asawari Doshi

Written by Somak Ghoshal. Illustrated by Proiti Roy. Published By Pratham Books (https://storyweaver.org.in/publishers/441-pratham-books) . Narrated by Asawari Doshi. Piku loves long summer afternoons and does not like dark summer evenings. But his afternoons become darker, when, one day, there is no one to read Piku a story. Will Piku’s books remain unread? Storyweaver link: https://storyweaver.org.in/stories/104751-piku-s-little-world Our website: http://www.booksthatspeak.com/ Listen to the podcast: iTunes: http://apple.co/2fVfELtStitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/books-that-speakPlayer.fm: https://player.fm/series/books-that-speak-childrens-stories-in-marathi-hindi-and-gujaratiaudioBoom: https://audioboom.com/channel/books-that-speak Watch Videos: YouTube: http://bit.ly/2x4LIGX Twitter: https://twitter.com/booksthatspeak