English Stories for Kids - Ready? Yes! Play! - Pratham Books
Books That Speak - A podcast by Asawari Doshi

Written by Arundhati Nath. Illustrated by Priyankar Gupta. Published By Pratham Books. Narrated by Asawari Doshi. Anu loves cricket and her dream is to play the game. Find out how Anu bowls everyone over when she plays her first match. Storyweaver link: https://storyweaver.org.in/stories/43897-ready-yes-play Our website: http://www.booksthatspeak.com/ Listen to the podcast: iTunes: http://apple.co/2fVfELtStitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/books-that-speakPlayer.fm: https://player.fm/series/books-that-speak-childrens-stories-in-marathi-hindi-and-gujaratiaudioBoom: https://audioboom.com/channel/books-that-speak Watch Videos: YouTube: http://bit.ly/2x4LIGX Twitter: https://twitter.com/booksthatspeak