Kalluche kisse-2 Maakadcheshta(Monkey Business on Stage-Kallu's World 2-Marathi Stories for kids - Pratham Books
Books That Speak - A podcast by Asawari Doshi

Welcome to Khajuria - a village where young Kallu and his gang run delightful adventurous riots almost every day. It's Dussehra time and Masterji's annual stage show of Ramlila is ready to go. What's the new twist in Masterji's Ramayan this time? Let's enjoy the story. Humorous story, originally in English, Monkey Business on Stage - Kallu's World 2, by Subhadra Sen Gupta; beautifully illustrated by Tapas Guha, translated into Marathi by Sucheta Kadethankar, published by Pratham Books. Narrated by Asawari Doshi. Storyweaver link: https://storyweaver.org.in/stories/937-kalluche-kissey-2-makadcheshta Our website: http://www.booksthatspeak.com/ Listen to the podcast: iTunes : http://apple.co/2fVfELt Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/books-that-speak Player.fm: https://player.fm/series/books-that-speak-childrens-stories-in-marathi-hindi-and-gujarati audioBoom: audioboom.com/channel/books-that-speak Watch Videos: YouTube: http://bit.ly/2x4LIGX Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BooksThatSpeakPage/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/booksthatspeak