BONUS EP: Mary Oliver: ”Meanwhile, the world goes on” Sound Escape
Born of Wonder - A podcast by bornofwonder

A bonus episode before we launch into Season 6! Mary Oliver loved to go on long solitary walks around the Cape in New England. She watched the tide for hours on end. In and out, in and out. She listened to the geese flying south and she prayed earnestly while counting sparrows and watching the clouds. She is a poet of deep attention and quiet. In her poem “When Death Comes” Oliver celebrates the endless wonder she finds in the world: “When it’s over, I want to say: all my life / I was a bride married to amazement. / I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms.” Enjoy this Sound Escape, hopefully an experience that allows you to get lost in the quiet peace of nature and to remember your place in the family of things. Many thanks to Chris Marquette for his wonderful guitar playing throughout this episode. Poems in this episode: Wild Geese Six Recognitions of the Lord