S3:7 EP32: The Wisdom of Audrey Hepburn

Born of Wonder - A podcast by bornofwonder


The epitome of class and elegance, Audrey Hepburn also embodied many virtues when it came to 'the simple life' - she loved children, gardens, animals, good food, and good company. A heartwarming episode with lots of great audio from interviews and films - the inspiring and timeless wisdom of Audrey Hepburn.  The Quiet Wisdom of Audrey Hepburn  https://www.bornofwonder.com/home/the-quiet-wisdom-of-audrey-hepburn    Audrey at Home: Memories of My Mother's Kitchen Luca Dotti  https://bookshop.org/books/audrey-at-home-memories-of-my-mother-s-kitchen/9780062284709    Gardens of the world with Audrey Hepburn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7GJbnKxFoA    Audrey Hepburns and Julie Andrews https://photos.com/featured/audrey-hepburn-and-julie-andrews-with-bettmann.html     Katie's Favorite Hepburn movies - Roman Holiday Sabrina Funny Face Breakfast at Tiffany's    Recommendation -  Bela Flek and Abigail Washburn - "If I Could Talk to a Younger Me"  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0icxjcyCpw    Support the podcast on patreon!  https://www.patreon.com/bornofwonder?fan_landing=true    www.bornofwonder.com Instagram @bornofwonder