S4:15 EP57: Falling in Love with Words: Nora Ephron and You’ve Got Mail with Rachel Sherlock
Born of Wonder - A podcast by bornofwonder

The brilliant and wonderful Rachel Sherlock joins us on the podcast today to discuss all things Nora Ephron and You've Got Mail. We do a deep dive into the power of words, happy endings, reclaiming Joy, finding authentic neighborhoods in big cities, New York in the Fall, and all things cozy and lovely. We also discuss a bit about the unique genius of Nora Ephron and who she was as a person and a writer. A perfect Fall listen - wrap up in a blanket, grab a cup of tea and enjoy! (and yes Rachel really has a roommate named Watson who frequently cohosts on her podcast... We'll learn the whole backstory to the Sherlock/Watson pairing in addition to many other fun facts!) Rachel Sherlock is a writer and podcaster based in Dublin, Ireland. Find her on instagram @seekingwatson / @riskingenchantmentpodcast Find her on Twitter @seekingwatson Listen to her podcast "Risking Enchantment" https://www.rachelsherlock.com ---- www.bornofwonder.com Leave a review for the podcast on iTunes and leave a star rating on Spotify! Support the podcast on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bornofwonder?fan_landing=true ----- The Oh Hello's - Glowing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RubfUSCC6Yw Moving On, a Love Story: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2006/06/05/moving-on-nora-ephron My First New York: https://nymag.com/news/features/64944/ The Nora Ephron We Forgot: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/08/22/the-nora-ephron-we-forget “You’ve Got Mail” and the Fight for a Vulnerable Life: https://thespool.net/features/fotm/youve-got-mail-retro-review/