S4:25 EP67: What I’ve Learned: New Years Season Finale!
Born of Wonder - A podcast by bornofwonder

Happy 2023! In this episode Katie shares the top ten things she learned this year. She also shares a great strategy for how to approach new years resolutions (and not get discouraged). We'll also hear a beautiful New Years blessing from John O'Donohue, lovely Irish fiddle, some quotes from the late, great Pope Benedict XVI, a beautiful rendition of In the Bleak Midwinter, and Dvorak's triumphant New World Symphony. This is an episode of solidarity, openness, new beginnings, hope, and fresh starts. Wishing you nothing but good things in 2023 - cheers! THANK YOU to everyone for listening and making Season 4 of Born of Wonder such a success! ----------- www.bornofwonder.com Leave a review for the podcast on iTunes and leave a star rating on Spotify! Support the podcast on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bornofwonder?fan_landing=true ------------- https://youtu.be/nRNjJ09T-VE John o Donohue - blessing for a new year https://youtu.be/564wydZgcos Florie brown - best of Irish fiddle Hunters purse RIP Pope Benedict XVI -- "Just as the believer knows himself to be constantly threatened by unbelief, which he must experience as a continual temptation, so for the unbeliever faith remains a temptation and a threat to his apparently permanently closed world. In short, there is no escape from the dilemma of being a man.” "Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed. Each of us is loved. Each of us is necessary." Pibroch by Ted Hughes https://www.poetrygrrrl.com/pibroch-by-ted-hughes/ Alice Oswald on Ted Hughes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vop3NOGMExs https://youtu.be/-spMWkZ-cFA Bert jansch - in the bleak mid winter New world symphony - 4th final movement https://youtu.be/89jO PAGJq-M