S5:2 EP69: The Dreams of St. Joseph
Born of Wonder - A podcast by bornofwonder

St. Joseph never saw an angel the way Mary did, clear as day, with her waking eyes. He never saw the burning bush or heard the thunderous voice of God, “I am that I am.” St. Joseph only heard God in the quietest of ways. He dreamed of angels. He heard God while he slept. Today on the podcast we'll be inspired by St. Joseph and his profound trust. What role did dreams play in his life - what role can they play in ours? Also - a Born of Wonder sound escape excerpt, featuring the poetry of Seamus Heaney. ----- The Dreams of St. Joseph https://www.bornofwonder.com/home/the-dreams-of-st-joseph Subscribe to Born of Wonder on Substack https://bornofwonder.substack.com Support Born of Wonder on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/bornofwonder Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - played by Chris Marquette www.bornofwonder.com instagram: @bornofwonder