S5:5 EP73: Owls and the Call of the Wild

Born of Wonder - A podcast by bornofwonder


On this episode Katie is joined by her husband Chris to discuss their shared love of owls. We'll learn about the time Katie and Chris found an injured screech owl on one of their walks... An experience that greatly impacted them both. We'll discuss the symbolism of owls... Harbingers of death, symbols of wisdom, good luck... Athena's familiar and companion... And why the animal world and these 'touches with the wild' can bring us back to the reality of all things. A fun episode to rekindle your interest in the animal world and all that it can teach us.  ----- Subscribe to Born of Wonder on Substack https://bornofwonder.substack.com     Support Born of Wonder on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/bornofwonder    www.bornofwonder.com  instagram: @bornofwonder  ------   Mentioned in this episode -   H is for Hawk - Helen Macdonald Hawk Roosting - Ted Hughes Clash of the Titans (1981)   The Wonders of Creation: Learning Stewardship from Narnia and Middle-Earth Kristen Page    Recommendations -  Ave Regina Caelorum from the Dominican House of Studies  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y11-6W2fEec&list=OLAK5uy_nPeeocBqa-nNK4PQJw6e1UbQnF9LJZKk0&index=6    Relax with Animal Facts https://www.relaxwithanimalfacts.com/    --   Forgot to mention but Twin Peaks fans will remember - "the owls are not what they seem!"