S6:14 EP90: Ode to Joy

Born of Wonder - A podcast by bornofwonder


Today on the podcast we're celebrating - JOY! Beethoven composed his iconic 9th Symphony after he had gone completely deaf, a beautiful miracle in and of itself. We'll hear the original poem by Friederich Schiller - 'Do you feel the Creator's Presence? / Seek Him beyond the Stars! / He must live beyond the Stars.' This is an episode to put headphones on and turn the volume way up. An invitation to pause, listen, and rejoice. Wishing everyone a beautiful holiday week! Happy Thanksgiving!  ---- Subscribe to Born of Wonder on Substack https://bornofwonder.substack.com Support Born of Wonder on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/bornofwonder  www.bornofwonder.com -------     Ode to Joy by Friederich Schiller Joy, thou shining spark of God,Daughter of Elysium,With fiery rapture, goddess,We approach thy shrine!Your magic reunites thoseWhom stern custom has parted;*All men will become brothers*Under your protective wing.Let the man who has had the fortuneTo be a helper to his friend,And the man who has won a noble woman,Join in our chorus of jubilation!Yes, even if he holds but one soulAs his own in all the world!But let the man who knows nothing of thisSteal away alone and in sorrow.All the world's creatures drawDraughts of joy from nature;Both the just and the unjustFollow in her gentle footsteps.She gave us kisses and wineAnd a friend loyal unto death;She gave the joy of life to the lowliest,And to the angels who dwell with God.Joyous, as His suns speedThrough the glorious order of Heaven,Hasten, brothers, on your wayExultant as a knight victorious.Be embraced, all ye millions!With a kiss for all the world!Brothers, beyond the starsSurely dwells a loving Father.Do you kneel before Him, oh millions?Do you feel the Creator's presence?Seek Him beyond the stars!He must dwell beyond the stars.   Beethoven Symphony No. 9 - Mvt. 4 - Barenboim/West-Eastern Divan Orchestra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChygZLpJDNE&t=300s