S6:9 EP85: Icelanders Believe in Elves: Nancy Marie Brown on ”The Hidden Folk”

Born of Wonder - A podcast by bornofwonder


Elflore and the stories of 'the hidden folk' are so infused in Icelandic culture, even today, that most Icelanders see elves as simply part of their landscape. If they don't outright believe in them, they at least can't say for sure that they don't exist. And in fact so many people DO believe in elves that advocates have blocked new construction and successfully lobbied parliament on behalf of Elvish interests. What do we make of this? Our modern mind resists this sort of engagement with fairy stories, but what do we lose when we sap all possibility of magic from our environments? Today on the podcast, Katie is joined by author Nancy Marie Brown to discuss the power of storytelling and the limits of knowledge (and the freedom of mystery) as we learn more about the Icelandic elves and the people who believe in them. (Plus some bonus chatting about the incredibly unique Icelandic horse!) ------ Subscribe to Born of Wonder on Substack https://bornofwonder.substack.com Support Born of Wonder on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/bornofwonder  www.bornofwonder.com -------   Looking for the Hidden Folk: How Iceland's Elves Can Help Save the Earth https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Looking-for-the-Hidden-Folk/Nancy-Marie-Brown/9781639365746    Eivør Pálsdóttir: Tròdlabùndin (Trøllabundin) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsl-KHGe4Kk    Elf lobby blocks Iceland road project https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/dec/22/elf-lobby-iceland-road-project    Listen to Katie on recent Risking Enchantment Episode -   The Sublime Mystery of Thin Places: Numinous Experiences and Liminal Spaces   https://www.rachelsherlock.com/podcast/episode/e664c8f9/the-sublime-mystery-of-thin-places-numinous-experiences-and-liminal-spaces