S7:12 EP 104: The Economy of Love in Les Miserables with Maddie Dobrowski

Born of Wonder - A podcast by bornofwonder


Les Miserables is one of those profound stories that somehow encompasses the full depth of human experience. We have birth, death, falling in love, disappointment, justice, despair, young revolutionary zeal, forgiveness, and heavenly hope. From Valjean’s first encounter with the Bishop - who forgives him, undeservedly so - to Valjean’s own forgiveness of Javert (and Javert’s inability to accept his mercy) - this a story of love offered, received, and sometimes (tragically) rejected. It is a story that promises the often miserable human condition always has the hope of redemption, if not in this life, “somewhere beyond the barricade.” Today on the podcast I am joined by Maddie Dobrowski to discuss the tension between justice and mercy in Les Miserables, both in the musical and in the novel. We explore how it is only in the love between people that God’s redemption is allowed expression on Earth. Though this story ends in a death (and little justice Earth-side), it is a triumphant, hopeful ending. The hope of Heaven, and the Joy of Love given and received is enough. It has to be.   Maddie Dobrowski is a Catholic author, literature teacher, and student. She resides in Spokane, WA with her husband, Matt where she enjoys hiking, writing, reading, and gardening. She is currently studying for her MA in Thomistic philosophy and in her free time, she teaches classic literature and writes the Arts & Culture column for her diocese's quarterly magazine. Her first book, The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism, was published in December 2023 with En Route Books and Media. You can also find her writing on Substack (Love of Literature), where she shares essays on finding goodness, truth, and beauty in literature and art. Her two essays on Les Miserables: “The Economy of Love” “He is not Here. He Has Risen.”   *Special thank you to my husband, Chris, for his piano renditions of some of my favorite Les Mis melodies throughout this episode. --- www.bornofwonder.com  www.mediamarqcreative.com Born of Wonder Substack Come to Ireland with me in October 2024!  --- Connect with Maddie online: https://maddiedobrowski.substack.com/  Instagram: @love_ofliterature   Read her book! The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism    Recommendation: Irish Wonders by D.R. McAnally, Jr.