S7:14 EP106: Healing, Hope, and Grace through Poetry with Grace E. Kelley
Born of Wonder - A podcast by bornofwonder

Today on the podcast we are joined by Grace E. Kelley, mother, farmer, and poet. She is the author of a debut poetry collection, As the Sparrow Flies. On this episode, Grace and Katie discuss farming, Shakespeare, healing, art, not being embarrassed by our teenage poetry, and why some things may just never be okay this side of Heaven. This is a hopeful, empowering discussion on how art can help us 'name the ache' and seek healing and wholeness in our lives. *There is discussion of sexual abuse and birth trauma in this episode. --- www.bornofwonder.com www.mediamarqcreative.com Born of Wonder Substack Come to Ireland with me in October 2024! --- Grace E. Kelley is a follower of Jesus, a wife, and mother of five small children, including a set of twins. She writes poetry and stories—both fictional and non-fictional. She is also a farmer, a foodie, an unrepentant mug addict, and a deep believer that incredible beauty can come from the compost heap. As the Sparrow Flies, is her debut poetry publication. You can buy her first book of poetry here, or on Amazon, or wherever you buy books.