S7:9 EP101: Dr. Larry Chapp on Dorothy Day and Re-Weirding Christianity
Born of Wonder - A podcast by bornofwonder

Today on the podcast Dr. Larry Chapp - former professor and current popular blogger, writer, theologian and founder of the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker Farm - joins us to talk all about Dorothy Day. We discuss her radical politics, her orthodox faith, and what she has to offer a world so at odds with itself. Dorothy Day saw her politics, and her love for the poor, as completely inseparable from her Christian faith - it informed everything she did and everything she stood for. We speak about how to return to a truly 'lived' Christianity, even when it makes us a bit 'weird.' What is the role of money? How much should we even have materially speaking? Is there a deep tension with serving the poor and also being a responsible parent? All this plus a practical discussion on how we can help others and follow Christ's foundational commandment to always care for those in need. --- www.bornofwonder.com www.mediamarqcreative.com Born of Wonder Substack Come to Ireland with me in October 2024! --- Dr. Chapp's blog - https://gaudiumetspes22.com/ Dorothy Day Catholic Worker Farm - https://dorothydaycwfarm.org/