S8:1 EP108: Madeleine L'Engle and the Power of Doubt

Born of Wonder - A podcast by bornofwonder


The cosmic battle for Good and Evil - the power of the individual - The Triumph of Love - the malleability of time - Our place in the Cosmos - Doubt - Hope - Art - These are the many topics of American author Madeleine L'Engle, most famously the author of A Wrinkle in Time. What does L'Engle teach us about faith and art and life? Learn why she defended Meg Murry/O'Keefe against women disappointed she chose motherhood/marriage over a career. Learn why it's important to doubt (and believe) like a child. Why do questions matter more than answers? And what about those astronauts who really did enter another pocket of Time?  Where did she get the idea for Mrs Which, Mrs Who, and Mrs Whatsit? What can her struggle to get published teach us about creativity? All this and more on today's episode - THE FIRST episode of a new season, Season 8!!!    "This is the irrational season When love blooms bright and wild. Had Mary been filled with reason There’d have been no room for the child."   Come to Ireland with me in October 2024!  www.bornofwonder.com  www.mediamarqcreative.com Born of Wonder Substack    S2:8 Ep17: Is Time Real? Living with ”the Timeless in our Hearts”