S8:5 EP112: Behind-the-Scenes at The Library of Congress

Born of Wonder - A podcast by bornofwonder


Katie recently visited The Library of Congress for the first time. Her guide was a dear friend, Joanna Colclough - a reference librarian specializing in newspapers and current periodicals at the Library of Congress. Tune into this podcast to hear some highlights from our tour, how you can become a researcher at the Library, learn what the Library actually does (I had no idea), how do you solve a problem like Maria (you’ll hear what I mean), and most all, celebrate the history and preservation of knowledge and the written word. I think you’ll be wonderfully encouraged! I want to thank Joanna for her incredible tour and I was so thrilled to see her truly in her element. The Library is lucky to have her!  --- Library of Congress Website: https://www.loc.gov/ How to Use the Reading Room (featuring Joanna pushing a cart! Hi!): https://www.loc.gov/research-centers/newspaper-and-current-periodical/about-this-research-center/using-the-reading-room/ Close ups of the contents of Lincoln’s pockets: https://www.loc.gov/resource/lprbscsm.scsm1049/?st=gallery   --- www.bornofwonder.com  www.mediamarqcreative.com Born of Wonder Substack    ---- I do want to note that this episode is being released on September 11th, an anniversary I don’t think any of us should forget. And this Library, this episode, this visit, celebrates America at its finest - a flawed and imperfect history, but a history to be proud of nonetheless. And one worthy of preservation and respect. The American Dream includes The Library and Freedom of Speech and a deep love and respect for Knowledge. Let’s make sure to light a candle today in honor of the victims of the September 11th attacks and as a light of hope for our country and its’ ideals.