S8:7 EP114: Creative Niches, The Joy of Research, + Celebrating Women's Lives: Interview with Ann Kennedy Smith

Born of Wonder - A podcast by bornofwonder


Ann Kennedy Smith takes seriously the old saying “behind every great man is a great woman,” bringing to light the complicated, illuminating, fascinating stories of women who made their mark and maybe haven’t gotten their due recognition. She brings us into the beauty, sadness, and joy of women’s lives and brings an important, compelling perspective. She is the writer behind the popular "Cambridge Ladies Dining Society" Substack and an independent scholar currently focusing on the lives of Victorian women (and beyond) at Cambridge.   Ann conducts herself with class, kindness, and genuine curiosity. She teaches us there are seasons of life for everything - for children and snatching moments of reading in between diaper changes, and for burying oneself in a dusty library at a romantic and beautiful university. On this episode, Katie and Ann were able to discuss some of the specific women she has profiled in her writing (including Katie's personal favorite, Sylvia Plath), how to balance different priorities in different seasons of life, and how to lean into your creative niche. Posts referenced in the episode: The Cambridge Bride Sylvia Plath at Home: Books & Babies & Beef Stews The fascinating Miss Pym Playlist referenced in the intro: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52mOSwZguzpe6g4gi1OAiz?si=M-Y2Lk4rRFqTJmgVoTWNug  --- www.bornofwonder.com  www.mediamarqcreative.com Born of Wonder Substack