SS1: EP107: Accepting (and Embracing) The Season You're In

Born of Wonder - A podcast by bornofwonder


Whether it's a season of the year or a season of life, living joyfully requires us to accept the season we are in - and even to embrace it! Maybe in summer you need to cook 'no heat' recipes, drink sangria, listen to Spanish guitar, and take siestas. Stop fighting it! The same goes for seasons with a sleepless baby (or giving birth!) or a season of self denial or seasons that are more naturally easy for us. Accept + Embrace. An encouraging and fun episode including poetry, great music, and tips for those of us who suffer from reverse SAD (seasonal affective disorder) in muggy summertime.  ****Join me and Christy for a Zoom Wednesday July 10th!!**** Join Zoom Meeting ID: 737 4070 5753Passcode: Yn7Y3d ---- Born of Wonder Substack Come to Ireland with me in October 2024!  --- Mary Oliver - I worried  The Surrender Novena Tizi Melloul Spanish Guitar