Discovering Your Life’s Purpose, Feat. Tim Storey, with Joel Marion – BTI 19

Born to Impact - A podcast by Joel Marion

The need for purpose is one of the defining characteristics of human beings. In fact, humans crave purpose, and suffer serious psychological consequences when we don’t have it.  But how do you truly discover your life’s true purpose? And what do you do when you come face to face with it?


In this inspired episode with renown global speaker & author Tim Storey, we cover an array of topics centered around purpose, including:


-The “thing that leads to the thing” and stumbling on purpose by first being faithful in the small things


-What to do when you have remained faithful, yet the harvest doesn’t seem to come


-The difference between a good idea and a God idea


-Why you should never chase your dreams (controversial)


-When your past gets in the way of your future


-Why you’ll never be able to accomplish your true purpose in your own strength


-What to do when opposition strikes


And so much more.


If you are someone who truly wants to live the life you were born to live, you can not afford to miss this episode.  Even more, be sure to subscribe to the Born to Impact podcast to ensure you get notified as new episodes release each week!


After listening, to learn more about Tim and to connect with him directly, visit his website, check out the “Utmost” app on iTunes, or follow him on Instagram (@timstoreyofficial)