Drugs, Jail, Rock Bottom & Redemption, Feat. Justin Blum, with Joel Marion – BTI 14

Born to Impact - A podcast by Joel Marion

This story will move you, challenge you, and show you that no matter where you start, or what challenges you’re faced with, or what poor decisions you’ve made in your past, you can always, always turn things around.


In this episode Joel & Dan sit down with the Founder & CEO of Raw Fitness where he tells his story going from a life of drugs and violence (that ultimately sent him to jail), to an ultra-successful entrepreneur that is positively impacting thousands of lives.


In this conversation, we discuss an array of topics, including:


-The critical importance of separating from your past, and how to go about making the deep changes


-The process of discovering and becoming your authentic self


-How to make critical life changes even when you have little to no support


-Learning to lead (anyone can; there are very few “born leaders”)


-The difference between bad moments and bad days, and how to avoid the latter


And so much more.


Set aside the time to listen to this episode this week.  It will touch you, it will move you, and it will inspire you.  Even more, be sure to subscribe to the Born to Impact podcast to ensure you get notified as new episodes release each week!


After listening, to learn more about Justin and to connect with him directly, follow him on Instagram (@justin_blum_), visit his websites www.RawFitnessLV.com and www.APNsupplements.com.