Football, Sex Scandals, Integrity, Love & Truth, with Heath Evans – BTI 27

Born to Impact - A podcast by Joel Marion

This week we sit down with my good friend and NFL Super Bowl Champion Heath Evans to talk about the importance of integrity, love and truth, even in the midst of adversity and damaging accusations.  In this 2 hour episode, we cover a ton of ground, including:


-The “Belichick Way” and other life lessons Heath learned as a New England Patriot


-How real love and truth don’t often feel “loving”


-Why listening and learning is so much better than living and learning


-Why justice and forgiveness aren’t mutually exclusive


-Heath’s side of the NFL Network sexual harassment scandal


-The #1 reason you should strive to live as long and as healthy as possible (that you likely haven’t heard before)


And so much more.


This episode will challenge you, inspire you, and pull you even closer to living that life you were born to live... don’t miss it.  Even more, be sure to subscribe to the Born to Impact podcast to ensure you get notified as new episodes release each week!


After listening, to learn more about Heath and to connect with him directly, follow him on Instagram (@heathevans44) and visit his website at