Panic, Anxiety, & Freedom, Feat. Brian Johnson, with Joel Marion – BTI 20

Born to Impact - A podcast by Joel Marion

In this breakthrough episode, we sit down with Brian Johnson, the co-founder of Bethel Music (one of the largest faith-based record labels in the United States), and together tackle some of life’s most difficult topics, along with how to find freedom within them, including:


-“When God becomes real,” and those crippling times in life where turning to God becomes your only option (and the paradoxical freedom that can only be found in true surrender)


-How “compromise” is a gradual path to destruction


-The power of music and worship to weather even the most intense storms that life hits us with


-How overextending yourself, even with GOOD things, can be a recipe for disaster and lead to mental and physical breakdown


-Why “crutches” aren’t (and are never meant to be) a permanent solution to any life “injury”


-How God shows up and works through our pain


And so much more.


If you struggle with panic, anxiety, fear or doubt, this is an episode you cannot afford to miss. Even more, be sure to subscribe to the Born to Impact podcast to ensure you get notified as new episodes release each week!


After listening, to learn more about Brian, Bethel Music, their current tour and the book, visit his and, or follow him on Instagram (@brianjohnsonm)