019: 7 Things Successful Entrepreneurs Have in Common
Boss Up! Podcast | Lindsay Teague Moreno - A podcast by Lindsay Teague Moreno
Maybe you wonder why one of your competitors seems to always be one step ahead of you or why she seems to be able to close more sales than you can. Part of that may be her competitive advantage. When it comes to entrepreneurship, there are 7 characteristics that many successful business owners have. They're called competencies. These competencies help them stay one step ahead of their competitor. There's a good chance you have some, too. In this episode, find out how you can develop the competencies needed to sustain a successful business. Today's Wine: Duckhorn Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2014 Lindsay Teague Moreno author + truth teller + momtrepreneur WEBSITE: www.lindsayteaguemoreno.comINSTAGRAM: @lindsayteagueFACEBOOK: @ltmauthorPODCAST: www.bossuppodcast.comPINTEREST: @lindsayteague