025: Sticking It Out

Boss Up! Podcast | Lindsay Teague Moreno - A podcast by Lindsay Teague Moreno

There will come a time (or many) in every entreperneur's life where we thinking about quitting. I get a lot of questions about how I am able to keep my self motivated and how to motivate the people we work with. Here are 8 tips on how to remain motivated and stick it out when business gets hard -- and it will get hard! Today's Wine: 2016 Meiomi Pinot Noir Lindsay Teague Moreno author + truth teller + momtrepreneur   WEBSITE: www.lindsaytm.comINSTAGRAM: @lindsayteagueFACEBOOK: @ltmauthorPODCAST: www.bossuppodcast.comPINTEREST: @lindsayteague