028: LTM's Success Philosophy #3
Boss Up! Podcast | Lindsay Teague Moreno - A podcast by Lindsay Teague Moreno
After an extended break to write and publish a book with W Publishing (an imprint of HarperCollins), LTM is back with a series of podcasts on her 10 Success Philosophies. These philosophies are outlined in detail in Lindsay's new book, Boss Up: this ain't your mama's business book. Boss Up is scheduled for release on August 6, 2019 and is available for order here: Amazon: https://amzn.to/2SRQNL2 Target Exclusive Version: https://www.target.com/p/boss-up-this-ain-t-your-mama-s-business-book-by-lindsay-teague-moreno-hardcover/-/A-76343362 Barnes & Noble Exclusive Version: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/boss-up-lindsay-teague-moreno/1129853327?ean=9780785224419 Audible Exclusive Version: https://amzn.to/2ST3Fk9 In this episode Lindsay talks through the third of her success philosophies, which is to Tell Stories and Connect through Feeling. There's a misunderstanding among entrepreneurs that makes us believe that if we just shove images and information about our product down our potential customer's throats, eventually they'll buy. The only reason they aren't is because they don't know about us. Truly, the best way to sell a product is to understand how the human brain works. Stories are the key to your sales success, this podcast will tell you why. Lindsay Teague Moreno author + truth teller + momtrepreneur BOOK: www.lindsaytm.com/bossup WEBSITE: www.lindsaytm.comINSTAGRAM: @lindsayteagueFACEBOOK: @lindsayteague PODCAST: www.bossuppodcast.comPINTEREST: @lindsayteague