BOSSY BRUJA PRAYERS - A podcast by Ayodele Fuega

COME JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM @BOSSYBRUJA I use my time wisely because I value the time I have here.  I love myself so making excellent choices which positively affect my future is easy for me It is easy to let go because I know how blissful life is when I am committed to the right things and the right people  I am committed to myself  It is easy for me to remain disciplined and consistent because I know what I desire  Now I allow myself to prosper more than ever before  I choose the best for myself  I value myself and I take my life seriously  My mind is extremely resilient   I choose what I believe about myself understanding that my beliefs determine my actions, choices and results   I celebrate my wins.   I learn from every experience  I press on confidently and enthusiastically  Everything always works out for me in the end  I am truly grateful