BB+ (Ep. 7) Alison Ellis on Social Media Mindset

Botanical Brouhaha Podcast - A podcast by Amy McGee


TODAY’S GUEST: Alison Ellis | Real Flower Business TOPIC: Social Media Mindset Alison Ellis of Real Flower Business surprised me when we sat down for a visit. Instead of me asking her a question, she turned the tables and asked me a question she'd received recently from one of her followers! She asked: "Do you have any tips around mindset for showing up on social media even though you'd rather completely ignore it all together?" We had a lot of fun exploring the question together (and I hope we gave her follower some food for thought). A few of the ideas we kicked around during our visit: Posting content on social media is a great way to drive traffic to your business website Closely following your gut on when and how to post can produce organic growth Consistency will help grow a business (the growth may be slow and steady, so be patient) Social media is simply another tool to get the word out about your business and connect with others Social media can lead to long lasting relationships with industry peers who live in other parts of the world Setting boundaries on time spent on social media is crucial to maintaining balance We don't have to like every aspect of social media to use it to the advantage of our business Don't get caught up in what you feel you have to do on social media - you are in control! Having a business website is crucial (especially in the event that a social media account is hacked or the platform goes away) While scheduling posts ahead of time is efficient, some business owners may prefer to post in "real" time Practice leads to progress (posts and schedules don't have to be perfect from the start to lead to results) Leading with authenticity is the name of the game Mentioned in BB+ Episode 7:  Swan Cottage Flowers Planoly Tailwind Susan McLeary Rachel Merkle | District M Creative Podcast Host: Amy McGee (Botanical Brouhaha) Sound Engineer: Joel McGee Original Music: Landon McGee How to Connect with Botanical Brouhaha: Instagram Facebook