10. The School Of Manners - On Etiquette, Non-Verbal Seduction & Wealth vs Status w/ Andreea Stefanescu [VIDEO]

Boujee Best Friend with Koko - A podcast by Kornelija Slunjski - Fridays


#10. In this episode I’m joined by Andreea Stefanescu, an internationally accredited etiquette consultant. You know your girl here (Koko) is big on table manners and etiquette so it was only natural to invite Andrea on the Boujee Best Friend Podcast. One of the boujee-iest episode so far. Topics: What are manners? Working with the Royal Family Private aviation secrets Wealth vs Status? Imposter Syndrom Dating a non single man Feminine energy & Money Dining Etiquettes Non Verbal Communication Why follow etiquette rules? CONNECT WITH ANDREEA STEFANESCU https://www.instagram.com/theschoolofmanners/ https://theschoolofmanners.com/ CONNECT WITH KOKO https://www.instagram.com/kokobeaute/ https://www.tiktok.com/@kokobeaute https://www.instagram.com/boujeebestfriend JOIN BOUJEE BESTIE COMMUNITY https://links.geneva.com/invite/bec31d1b-7a42-4a90-8000-cbdc75108994