23: Callie & Jeff Dauler: Bouncing Forward from Tough Times in Relationships

Bouncing Forward with Amy Purdy - A podcast by Amy Purdy


How do you bounce forward in relationships? How do you overcome tough times? How do you come through those tough times even stronger? Callie and Jeff Dauler, hosts of the Upside podcast, take over my podcast this week to answer these questions. They have some simple and tangible things every person can use ever single day in their relationships. But first, who are Jeff and Callie? Here’s a little story… Shortly after they started dating, Jeff suggested they write down one thing they were grateful for every day. It only took a few seconds each morning, but they noticed something after just a couple of weeks, they both had an INCREDIBLE shift in our mindsets. Their brains started thinking about the upside and positive of every situation instead of defaulting to the negative. From that, a remarkable ripple effect of amazing changes in their lives began. They were happier, kinder, and more patient, all because they took a few seconds each day to appreciate something… even something small. They want to share the power of gratitude with as many people as possible, and that’s the mission behind all things Callie and Jeff. And this is their foundation for bouncing forward. Find more from Callie and Jeff: Instagram: @jeffdauler | @calliedauler Podcast: The Upside P.S. My favorite thing the two share is this: As long as you are still moving forward, you’re still in the race.