AI-Assisted Recruiting Will Help Put Education Alongside Career Path

Brains Byte Back - A podcast by Sam Brake Guia


Episode Description below⬇️ Leave an iTunes review here - Subscribe on Youtube here - Follow us on your favorite podcast platform here - Find out more about our sponsor Publicize here - Whether you are the candidate or the one doing the hiring, all of us can relate to being in a job interview scenario. For many, it is a nerve-racking situation with sweaty palms, umms and ahhs, and the classic request of “tell us about your weaknesses.” Now, imagine that AI is in the interview’s chair, assessing you for the job. Sounds even worse, right? Well for AI-powered video hiring software Interviewer.AI, the introduction of AI stands to make improvements for both participants in this often stressful scenario. In today’s episode of the Brains Byte Back podcast, we will hear from Sunny Saurabh, Co-founder and CEO of Interviewer.AI, to understand why he believes AI interviewing is the next step forward for hiring, and how it looks to complement the current system of hiring with humans, rather than outsource it entirely. We discuss how Interviewer.AI works, and how it looks to advance scalability, objectivity, and speed in the hiring process. Saurabh breaks down how the software screens your resumes and scores them, does a skill assessment test, and conducts pre-screen video interviews before you even meet the first candidate. With this in mind, Saurabh explains how the first level of candidates are screened using the software, so you can deal with the top candidates out of hundreds of applicants. We also discuss how the software’s design is based on the work of psychologist Albert Mehrabian, who formulated the 7-38-55% rule. This rule advocates that the psychology of our communication can be broken down using the following formula: 7% verbal + 38% vocal + 55% facial and body language. We also dive into how their software helps candidates prepare and train for interviews, and receive actionable feedback -- an important aspect considering that candidates rarely receive feedback because employers fear being sued if they share this information. And finally, Saurabh shares his predictions on where he sees recruitment in 10 years.