Interview with Kent Ingle

Breakfast Leadership Show - A podcast by Michael D. Levitt - Mondays


9 Disciplines of Enduring Leadership: These 9 essential principles will help you discover and develop your life purpose. After abruptly changing course in his life for a higher-calling, Dr. Kent was compelled to transcribe the lessons he’s learned along the way. In turn, developing a framework that has helped countless figures build successful organizations and a successful life.Transforming Your Organization: The President of a University is not chosen by a popular vote of the masses, but rigorously filtered by previous merit and track record. Dr. Kent shares his secrets on how to turn the operations of your organization around 180 degrees.Changing the Perception of Higher Education: The arguments for and against the modern college system are infinite, but what can’t be debated is that more guidance is needed in helping maximize the higher education experience so students, at all stages of their life and career, can afford to grow in their careers without massive debt and contribute to society with a skillset directly applicable to their employment.   IG:@kent_ingle Tw:@kentingle