#096 Quick Effective Solutions That Work To Eliminate Stress And Overwhelm After a Breakup with Stephanie Dalfonzo part 2
Breakup Recovery Podcast - A podcast by Barbara Stevens - Breakups, Separations, Divorce, Self Help, Healing, Survi

Stephanie Dalfonzo offers some practical exercises that can quickly break up and change habits that are causing you to feel overwhelmed, stressed and anxious. Using these simple yet effective strategies and techniques can help bring you out of depression and into the present moment. Doing things differently does not have to be complicated, long or big, they just have to be of value. Like the restorative yoga pose of legs up the wall, even thought it’s a passive pose, combine it with controlled breathing helps lower anxiety and stress and calms the body. In this episode Stephanie shares real stories and antidotes and guides you through techniques that will release tension and help you to feel better both physically and emotionally. When you are in absolute overwhelm it can be difficult to change your habits but Stephanie has broken these habits into small bite size achievable routines. Stephanie’s website is stephaniedalfonzo.com