#097 How To Start Loving Yourself Again After A Breakup with Orion Talmay
Breakup Recovery Podcast - A podcast by Barbara Stevens - Breakups, Separations, Divorce, Self Help, Healing, Survi

Orion went through her own dark moments in life after her breakup from a very abuse partner. She was in a state of depression that lasted years until she found her own way to mend her heart and regain her strength. One of the strategies Orion shared in this podcast was mirror work. A very powerful approach that boosts your self-confidence and increases the love for yourself. Orion also explored some of the mistakes that single women can make when looking for love again, as well as the importants of self-care and reconnecting to you feminine side. Orion suggested when reconnecting to your spiritual side it is essential to do so from a place of love rather than from a place of fear. You can connect with Orion Talmay and find about more of what she has to offer and download her eBook ‘How to become a love magnet’ @ orionsmethod.com