20. Walden_Henry David Thoreau (Part.3)

Breathe in Korean [책으로 현존하기] - A podcast by Yureeah


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7zm6wWlWVA Author - Henry David Thoreau (헨리 데이빗 소로우 저/강승영 역) Book - Walden (월든) Chapter 7. The Bean-Field (7장. 콩밭) Chapter 9. The Ponds (9장. 호수) Chapter 11. Higher Laws (11장. 보다 높은 법칙들) Chapter 16. The Pond in Winter (16장. 겨울의 호수) Music Box (100% Clearance through Musicbed) Tenderness by Tony Anderson Nuit by Tony Anderson --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/breatheinkorean/support