23. To have or to be? 소유냐 존재냐_Erich Fromm 에리히 프롬 (Part.1)

Breathe in Korean [책으로 현존하기] - A podcast by Yureeah


Author - Erich Fromm (에리히 프롬 저/차경아 역: 까치글방) Book - To have or to be (소유냐 존재냐) Part.1 Understanding the difference between having and being (제1부. 소유와 존재의 차이에 대한 이해) Music Box (100% Clearance through Musicbed) Emergence by Nick Box Mind's eye by Nick Box Leaf by Nick Box Winterlake by Nick Box --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/breatheinkorean/support