Nerdy Talk Episode 1: Spider-Man No Way Home leaks! Dracula the Western? And Darth Vader
The Earle Fam Podcast - A podcast by Earle Fam Builds

Thank you so much for sticking around through all the changes! We are starting a new season of the Earle Fam Podcast focused on talking nerdy to you! Covering the news related to everything nerd culture, I'll give you the news and then my take. TODAY LETS TALK NERDY ABOUTSpider-Man No Way Home LeaksDracula in space? But it's a western?Luke Cage has been canceled?! Ghostbuster Afterlife to return?Do you want Nerdy Merch? let me know on Twitter @earlefamDo you love what we do here? I feel SOOO loved when you guys buy me a cup of coffee!Follow US on Tiktok, Instagram, and YouTubeSupport the show