British Comedy & Expat Life: An Interview With Jorma Kirkko (The Blackmilkshake Comedy Pubcast) [Episode 160]

British Culture: Albion Never Dies - A podcast by Thomas Felix Creighton

This week, I interview a seasoned expat and comedy podcaster 'Jorma Kirkko', well known from his 'Blackmilkshake Comedy Pubcast'. He is based in Istanbul! It is always a joy for me to talk to a British expat in Turkey. We talk about the highs and lows of being a British culture 'insider' whilst outside the UK. I mainly leave the jokes to the pro.Check out his Youtube: of course his podcast, available on iTunes, Spotify, and all the usual places!Message me anytime on Instagram, or e-mail: [email protected] out my out my Red Bubble shopSubscribe to my newsletter for update e-mails, random postcards, and stickers: the show

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