81: Great Habits Are The Foundation, Not The Final Goal

Build With Rob - A podcast by Rob Dyrdek


Habits get a bad rap. They’re often seen and expressed in terms of things you do on an ongoing basis that you shouldn’t. But Rob is here to tell you that we need to rebrand habits into things you do as an initial stepping stone to a much more profound way of living. The definition of a habit is: a regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up. If those habits are additive to your life and overall goals, and they’re hard to give up because they give you energy or improve your life, then those are good habits to have. Now there are still the bad ones, both ingrained from an early age and developed over time, and those can be dealt with. But the important thing to understand is that your system of habits make up your lifestyle. The more intuitive and second nature you can make your best habits, while eliminating the bad ones, the better lifestyle you will achieve. Make your best habits effortless, and they will simply comprise the way you live. Learn more about this episode. Subscribe to Dyrdek Machine Join our Machinist Community Want to be on the show? Sign up here!