3 Signs God Is Telling You It’s Time to Walk Away From Someone

Difficult Relationships - Christian Wisdom for Life's Toughest Ties - A podcast by Kris Reece Ministries - Thursdays

Grab your FREE Toxic People Survival Guidehttps://krisreece.com/toxic-people-survival-guideQuitting is a natural part of life that gets a bad rap.  For example, what would it be like if you stayed at your first job? Or if you married the first person you had a crush on? There are many instances when quitting is the right thing to do.  So, how do you know when to stay and when to walk away? Sometimes it’s obvious, like when you’re being pressured to do ungodly things and it’s clear you shouldn't be in relationship with people like that. But what do you do in those less obvious situations? How do you know when God is giving you the grace to endure under a trial, and when He’s telling you to give up on someone? Sign #1: They treat you poorlyBeing treated poorly doesn’t mean that others are not giving you what you want or even disagreeing with you, but rather that they are disregarding you as a person. This can be done through ridicule, gaslighting, manipulation, taking advantage, contempt, disregard, indifference and stonewalling, just to name a few.  The end result is an utter lack of respect for you regardless of what their words say. Their words may say “I’m sorry,” but their actions prove that there’s been no true repentance.  When the relationship brings more pain than joy, it’s time to reevaluate it. Staying in a disrespectful and abusive situation can lead to further abuse and codependency and even trauma bonding, as your happiness remains wrapped up in their emotions and behaviors. It may help to remember the wise words of Proverbs 19:19: “A man of great wrath will pay the penalty, for if you deliver him, you will only have to do it again.” So ask yourself. Am I being a burden bearer, or a sin enabler? Sign #2: They bring out the worst in youAre you constantly triggered by their guilt-inducing comments? Do you find yourself always arguing? While we are all responsible for our own behavior and I would encourage you to get help for the areas that may be triggering for you, there are just some people whom you don’t do well with.  Maybe you find yourself catering to their dysfunctions or kowtowing to their every emotion. This is not how God calls us to be in relationship and it’s certainly not one that will likely glorify Him.Remember 1 Corinthians 15:33: “Bad company corrupts good morals.” If you find yourself unable to maintain healthy boundaries with this person, I suggest that you treat this relationship like any other temptation that God would want you to flee from. Do they cause you to slip into slander? Fall into falsehood? Stumble into sin? God calls us to be sober-minded and self-controlled. If both of these areas are in jeopardy, consider taking a break in the relationship and getting help with a good Christian counselor.   In Eph 6, God tells us to put on the whole armor of God so that we can withstand evil. But does this mean that we should intentionally walk into evil? Of course not. Just as we are called to strengthen our immune system to withstand the germs and viruses that look to attack us, it doesn’t mean you need to lick a petri dish. You shouldn’t invite yourself into evil, tempting relationships. Stay away when needed.   Sign #3: You’re codependentIn a nutshell, codependency says, “If you’re OK, I’m OK. If you’re not OK, I’m not OK. So I need you to be OK so I can be OK.” In some cases, it needs the other person to change so you can feel OK.  My friend, this is not OK. That anxiety within you needs to be addressed. While on the outside, the relationship may seem loving and each perfect for