How Much Workout Volume to MAXIMIZE Muscle Growth? (Based on Science)

Built With Science - A podcast by Jeremy Ethier, Daniel Plotkin, & Max Coleman

In this episode, we will discuss the latest science on how much workout volume you need to maximize muscle growth. Segment 1: Introduction and Volume Basics Discuss the importance of finding the right volume for muscle building. Define what volume is and hint at differing measurement methods. Highlight the significance of volume in muscle development. Segment 2: The Importance of Volume Explore the significance of volume with evidence from meta-analyses. Emphasize that low volumes can yield meaningful results. Introduce the concept of minimum effective and excessive volume. Segment 3: Customizing Volume for Individuals Stress the need for personalized volume recommendations. Discuss factors influencing optimal volume, including recovery and performance. Emphasize the importance of adhering to guidelines unless there's a compelling reason not to. Segment 4: Evolution of Volume Over Time Examine how volume requirements change throughout one's training career. Discuss whether volumes tend to increase or decrease over time. Highlight the dynamic nature of volume needs between individuals, muscle groups, and exercises. Segment 5: Special Considerations for Volume Explore how volume interacts with other training variables. Discuss differences in volumes during cutting, bulking, and maintenance phases. Touch on frequency, intensity (load and RIR), muscle groups, exercise types, and intensity techniques. Address the research bias towards specialization phases.